This is your personal invitation…
to all my soul sisters and brothers, the renegades & rebels, wisdom-keepers and helpers and healers and all those who believe in the power of change for this world. Those who are already transforming the world by their mere existence and vibration.
Magical Humans just like you.
Heart-centered, inspiring, mission-driven humans.
It’s no accident you’re here. You were invited. By me. By someone else. By the Universe. There are no accidents.

Something inside of you is rising up.
For support, for guidance, for tools to connect, clear and call-in a new vibration of “success” and all that is required to step into to your mission here in this life.
This is the fastest moving spiritually-driven mission of your life, and the world needs you to ENGAGE your Brilliance… and to do so, you need to quantum shift some stuff so you can find your fire again!
Real Talk?
The weight of these past few years and all its traumas and tragedies, plus that of your own struggles in life, is sitting on top of you like a giant elephant you cannot shake off.
How can you step into the spotlight and lead like you’re meant to when you’re still blinded by the bull-Sh&t and stuck in stagnant cycles?
You wanna help the world but feel like the weight of it all is drowning you.
Especially now.
Like really, especially NOW.
Are you….
The vibrant entrepreneur who’s got some “stuck” in their success coding ✨
A coach that’s invested tens or hundreds of thousands in themselves & still feels like a fake ✨
An intuitive who hides their gifts from the world, knowing those desperately seeking a solution are paying some other snakes-oil salesman✨
The entrepreneur who's on the edge of losing hope and selling themselves to the highest bidder✨
The silently spiritual diva who’s ability to ask for more is capped ✨
If your well-spring of energy that used to live inside you is drying up…
and your mind refuses to flip, and your soul refuses to spark…
I see you, bright light.
My name is Dr. Angela Martin-King
and 9 years ago I was standing on that very same precipice!
Stuck between “Doctor” and what was ultimately draining my life’s energy… I was denying real “growth” in my life.
All I had ever dreamed of, was right there in front of me, a good career, a good marriage, a good life. I had made it.
And yet I yearned for something more.
Staying where I was… what others called ”successful” was safe… but it felt too easy, too boring, too predictable. And it was exhausting. I was sick of the struggle to stay on top of everything. There had to be something more!
When I look back at the moment I realize that everything magically led to this moment.
✨ I had a massive mission but I was so overworked and underappreciated, I had no more energy for living
✨ I wanted to help people , but my inner voice was constantly criticising “you’re not good enough/smart enough” and all kids of lies that pointed out my pitfalls
✨ I hit an invisable ceiling in my career where I didn’t have enough time, let alone energy to hit my bigger career and life goals
✨I realized my clients, my career, my family and me were suffering, because I had nothing left to give
✨and I felt like I was constantly giving, and giving and giving and giving… and NEVER ever receiving!
✨I was so sick and tired of worrying, about getting it all done, I considered trading it off for an easier but insignificant life….
I knew in my heart that there was a better way for me, my family and my future self, and I was willing to take a massive leap to find it!!
You can start now. Push the button

You’re Welcome here.
You said YES to a bigger mission.
You took a leap into a higher vibrational heart-space of “being”.
You’ve spent years, perhaps decades, and likely a good chunk of cash to craft your skills into mastery, so you can make an impact and leave a legacy.
Your ability to help and lead others is extraordinarily powerful.
You’ve seen miracles walk out of your office. Made possible the impossible. Created magic that even you can’t explain.
You know in your heart that there is something more, a next level for you…where who you are as a human, merges with the highest potential version of you that leads life with a soul-on-fire, and you feel the pull of this right into your bones.
You're not alone.

Being on the edge of that precipice of stepping into your soul’s purpose is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time!
(Whether your ultimate goal is to create more impact offering healing, consulting and/or coaching packages online…Or you want to build a leveraged online community so you never have to worry about the state of the world stopping your ability to connect with the right people again…Or you have a skill to teach and want to step into a new way of sharing and guiding…)
A new level of “success” is required in this new world.
Your soul is waiting…. YOU’RE clearly IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

This is your invite to
Discover Your Path to Soul-Aligned Success starting with
The SoulFire Success Diagnostic
The ONLY Quantum Shifting System that activates your OWN SOUL (or higher Self) to Divinely Direct you to your own greatest level of success.
A Win-Win-Win at Quantum speed!
Yes we custom-curate your path!
I never cookie-cutter coach my people. That’s what makes me different… I fully embrace and honour you for your uniqueness, your sparkly unicorn magic and together we decide what path is best for YOU.
Here’s what I know for sure:
Your path to leading an epic “soul-on-fire” life requires this:
Awakening Your Heart’s Code:
It’s not just about clearing up all the fear, doubts and dysfunctional beliefs that you aren’t good enough, smart enough or worthy of this new level of success.
We need to clear the stuff passed on from family, society, culture, generational beliefs and past lives.
Only then can we really dive deep into all the things that make you WHO you are, and discover why you’re here.
Activating Your Inner Genius:
You’ve amassed and array of skills talents and knowledge in this life.
But has anyone ever taught you how to combine those with your unique energy, archetypes and intuitive gifts to weild a magic that only you can hold?
When we activate your inner gifts, we call in wisdom and reveal the path to M.O.R.E.
Amplifying Your Mission of Impact:
And now we step into Soul, combining the elements of your human life, path and purpose with those of your soul.
Creating a mission of impact involves mastering your vision and your vibration to call in the tribe that resonates with yours. It is no human feat.
This is the path to create SoulFire Success!
Oh yes, we’re going full-on woo!

Everyone needs a Soul-On-Fire NOW.
To reconnect to those deeper and higher aspects of self that motivate, inspire and fuel them to do what they love.
Too many of us are energetically rejecting our soul’s purpose because of the stigma and lies we were raised to believe!

"Your passion, Your purpose, your Path... is right there in front of you. And I want to make sure you stay on it, because your people need you. "
- Angela Martin-King, Founder of SoulFire Success Academy

There are millions of humans on this planet that would massively benefit from the Quantum Shift being offered here….
But … 99.999% of them aren’t ready, and may never be ready for this type of internal evolution of self.
Not because it’s hard, or because they won’t find it worth it… but because they are blind to the potential in playing LIFE at the next level.
✨ So I’m offering it to you… if you feel pulled in any way, and called to something more… you owe it to yourself (and all the people searching for your unique brand of magic ) to take the leap!
It’s time to activate your
Soul’s Advantage

You’ll get more out of this SoulFire Success Diagnostic call than any other call you’ve ever done – and that’s not us talking – it’s your fellow colleagues in the program that say that!
The 4 Pillars of SoulFire Success
The 6 Stepping Stones you NEED in order to thrive and not just survive in this new world. (which will light a crystal clear path for you to continue doing your work towards all levels of health and wholeness)
The 3 quantum shifts that will move you from sacrifice and struggle to success and sovereignty in the most simple aligned way (these shifts will ignite the inner fire within you so you can move into that visible space with clarity and ease, and I’ll share this in the call so you can apply it immediately!)
How to Activate & Align with your Intuitive Flow System – a fool-proof, all-planes of reality protocol that will allow you to quickly clear and connect so you can call-in magic-creating energy, ideas and connections for your divine mission (no more energy-wasting work)
Confidently step into your role as an enlightened leader, aligned in values, beliefs and armed with the magic that you’ve finally claimed for yourself (translation: end the struggle and step into soul-fulfilled success)

The greatest path to success is one thet’s aligned with your Soul.
So let me give you the link to start your journey and book your FREE CALL.
(Nothing fancy here yet because you don’t need fancy, you just need this!)

It’s time to put your mission where your magic is.
Start with the SoulFire Diagnostic Call Now.