This is a personal invitation…
to all my spiritually inclined healers, helpers, leaders and visionaries. Those who are already transforming the world by their mere existence and vibration.
Magical Humans just like you.
Heart-centered, inspiring, mission-driven humans.
It’s no accident you’re here. You were invited. By me. By someone else. By the Universe. There are no accidents.

Something inside of you is rising up.
For healing, for guidance, for evolved levels of connection, and support to call-in a new vibration of “humaness” and the capacity that is required to step into to your mission here in this life.
We are in a whirlwind of expanding human consciousness, and the world needs leaders like you to EMBODY & ENGAGE your Brilliance… and to do so, your body, your nervous system & your heart must heal and expand your abilities, don’t they!
I can do it love and light shiny
Or dark night of the soul bold & ballsy
A promise from me
Means an energetic evolution for you.
Real Talk?
The weight of the past and all its traumas and tragedies, plus that of your ancestors, generations of pain, are all sitting on top of your magnetic manifesting channel, your body, like a giant elephant you cannot shake off.
How can you step into the ring as an Enlightened Leader when you cannot see your glorious future and its highest vibrational potential due to a stuck and stagnant nervous system?
You mission is bold & brazen, Dear One. The world needs you. But your heart and soul are being dragged into the depths over and over and over again.
Especially now.
Like really, especially NOW.
You’re the heart-centred human who’s got some “stuck” in their leveling up ✨
The coach that’s invested tens or hundreds of thousands of hours and dollars and still struggling to be SEEN ✨
The intuitive who hides their true self behind memes and marketing ✨
The entrepreneur who's on the edge of breakdown, and riding the wave of burnout constantly ✨
The caregiver who’s body is in shambles and cycles of “sick and tired” ad nauseam✨
Your heart is tired, your soul is willing but your body/container has some major energetic and emotional leaks. Inside you is empty and your inner wellspring has all but dried up.
No Fire. No Flow.
It’s not your fault.
You're not alone.
There are hundreds and thousands of heart-centered people all over the world suffering inside their lives.
But it's not just the physical stress and burnout .
A lifetime of hurt has built up inside, and now is boiling over into their heart’s missions, crumbling their beliefs and their bodies. They are hurting because they’re worn out, empty inside, nervous system collapsed. And no one is telling the truth about healing.
Traditional medical "solutions" rely on drugs, bypassing the real issues and burying the problem. Even the Healers who started their missions bathed in light are being pulled under and are drowning in lost hope.
NO MORE heartless, greed-driven, manipulative medicine.

And that’s not your path.
You said YES to a bigger mission.
You took a leap into a higher vibrational heart-space of “being”.
You’ve spent years, perhaps decades, and likely a good chunk of cash to craft your skills into mastery, so you can make an impact and leave a legacy.
Your ability to heal and lead others is extraordinarily powerful.
You’ve seen miracles walk out of your practice. Healed the unhealable. Created magic that even you can’t explain.
You know in your heart that what’s going on inside you is a leveling up, the next leap into a higher consciousness and way of being and that your body is simply struggling with the sheer volume of magic you’ve been channelling through it.
Your vessel, your channel, your body & nervous system need to EXPAND
And in order to step into the light-level leadership you’re being called to, choose heart-centered rule, and manifest real change in this traumatized world… you need to embody that magic right into your bones.

Being on the edge of that precipice of stepping into that next level of Consciousness Leadership is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time!
(Whether your loftiest legacy involves creating global impact in business, leveraging levels of healing, consulting and/or coaching, or creating safe spaces for the expansion of humanity…Or you have a mission to lead and want to step into the world stage of sharing and guiding…)
Your nervous system and your body have to be in alignment to make it happen.
And you can’t do it from a place of STUCK.
If you’ve made it this far, you know you need to be here.

Welcome to
The ONLY Retreat that guides you to awaken your own inner healing ability, release yourself from the fight & flight stuckness of your nervous system and expand your life-force energy so you can EMBRACE a new level of energetic and emotional flow in your life!
Find Your Flow at Quantum speed!
Who wouldn’t want to finally feel:
“I’m in love with what I do and I get fired up and fueled up by the work I do”
“My body finally feels like its mine and is working WITH me in my life”
“Clarity. I can see what path to take and have the energy to do it!”
“I’m embodying every aspect of what I believe and life is so much easier”
“I’ve got the clarity and ease in my life I’ve always searched for. Money, energy and love are flowing in and out like the tides!”
Here’s what I know for sure:
The process of activating the healing in your own nervous system requires this:
UnSTUCK your Nervous System: Your body is the channel for creating in physical reality. You need to clear up all the fear, doubts and dysfunctional beliefs that clog up your flow. Emotional mental, chemical and physical blockages form when you’re out of alignment with your self. We do this with Spinal Flow.
Connect to Your Divine Self: will deliver abundance to you (in the form of energy flow, ideas and creation) when your human self is unblocked of false beliefs and open to M.O.R.E. When we open the channel and create a connection with our higheer levels of consciousness we can engage more FLOW.
Embody the Magic: When you clear yourself of these human-levels your energy and flow will become unlimited and directed by the amount of flow you can conduct through you and into reality. You become the key to transmutation into creation. Then ACTION amplifies the exchange!
Oh yes, we’re going full on woo & bridging the science meets spiritual gap!

Everyone needs healing right NOW.
To heal, grow and expand those deep rooted aspects of their human self, and embody their higher dimensional mission. It’s the only way we, as conscious leaders, can uplevel.
Too many of us are unknowingly energetically rejecting our soul’s purpose because our bodies don’t have the capacity to channel the magic and manifestation the mission requires.
Yes, that was me too!
I am a generous healer, a giver… but I learned the hard way that I couldn’t pour from an empty vessel.
I wanted to help others, to soothe their hearts and give haven to their souls.
It’s why I became a chiropractor, a doctor that people
would trust for answers.
The more I gave of myself, the more exhausted I became… because I had a block on flow.
The flow of energy, the flow of money, the flow of healing. No one taught me that flow must go both ways. (thanks Martin lineage)
All this “giving” energy led to a huge career meltdown and a real-life health crisis. I burned out my heart and body.
My energy bank was empty. My financial bank was empty. My ability to help others was empty too. I became stagnant and stuck. All flow stopped.
And this is why I have put my vulnerable healer’s heart out here for you, because I see you, silently wondering each day, if this is the day you give up.
And I’m here to STOP that thinking.
In order to step into the light and shine your light, you need to be completely ALIGNED inside. In terms of energy, thoughts, beliefs and perception. And it needs to flow.
Just like me, you need to un-stuck yourself and master the flow!

"Your passion, Your purpose, your Path... is right there in front of you. And I want to make sure you stay on it, because your people need you. "
- Angela Martin-King, Founder of SoulFire Success Academy

How do you know your manifesting energy and spinal flow are blocked?
Does this feel or sound familiar?
✨You’ve got a massive mission but you’re overwhelmed and underappreciated and your energy is at an all-time-low (energy-vampires STILL trying to suck you dry?)
✨You wanna help people with your gifts, but your inner voice keeps telling you stories of your failures, freezes and fall downs?
✨You’ve hit an invisible ceiling in your business where you don't have enough time, let alone energy, to hit your practice or personal goals and your siphoning it from your life?
✨You realize that your clients, your practice, your family and you are only getting 50% or less of your energy, because you’ve got no more to give, (do you feel like a zombie just going through the motions?)
You feel like you are constantly giving, and giving, and giving... and NEVER receiving?
✨You’re sick and tired and constantly worrying about how to pay your bills but can’t get up off the couch to do the work that matters?
✨You’re stuck. Paralyzed. Unable to move forward and you don’t know why cuz your heart & mind are on board but your STILL CAN”T MOVE THE NEEDLE in your life no matter how hard you try…your body is throwing all kinds of barriers,
✨You’re here, reading this, super-charged with hope that THIS IS IT and yet secretly dreading (or scrolling through to see) the energetic investment!!!
You know there has to be a better way for you, your body and your mission.
It’s time to transform your stuckness into Freedom & Flow
The Find Your Flow Intensive:
This 1 day IN PERSON RETREAT will help you find the blockages in your body, the stuckness in your nervous system and the emotional dis-connections that need to be healed… so you can use it to create more FLOW in your life (without sacrificing your energy any more!)
The proven SPINAL FLOW TECHNIQUE will help you access your own innate inner wisdom of your body to heal yourself, so that if you want to become that 1% that has learned to THRIVE in the here and now, you can!
The focus of the retreat is simple:
Clear the blockages that keep you stuck and stagnant so you can Expand Your Life Force Energy & Embody A New Level of Energetic Awesomeness!

Healing Magic channeled right from me to you!
(through your body!! )
A simple, in person group retreat. We’ll get to the core root of your energy blocks, in your body, beliefs and behaviour, be they in this life, a past life, another timeline or passed down in your lineage.
Using Spinal Flow Technique and some of my face quantum tools, Clear them fast, quick and mostly easy, so you can connect to the energy of M.O.R.E.
A paint-by-numbers workbook (and it’s beautiful too), so while you do your own inner work, you’ll be able to look back and see the expansive progress you’ve made.
A community of magical people ready to cheer you on too. Be surrounded by those who are aligned with you, your magic and your mission.

You’ll get more out of this immersive than any other you’ve ever done – and that’s not us talking – it’s your fellow magical humans in the program that say that!

The greatest place to start to heal is from within.
So let me give you the link to enroll.
(Nothing fancy here yet because you don’t need fancy, you just need this!)
Here is the
’How to Enroll and Pay’
Get Started Now!
Oh wait…. I’m gonna add More value for ya
(in case you’re still stuck on saying yes to your Freedom & Flow transformation …
you know that’s a harmful paradox of pause right?)
If you can make it all happen now, I’ll throw in, for those that are choosing NOW, a few extra bonuses too!
✴ Bonus ✴: An EXTRA Group Activation Call with my Enlightened Leadership Circle where we will get really curious on how to create “flow” in all areas of life (value $150)
✴ Bonus ✴: Recording of Healing Energy Hypnosis: one of my personal powerful hypnosis tracts that has the ability to help you control your energy flow from the inside out! (value $15)
✴ Bonus ✴: For the first 3 to sign up… a 1 hour deep dive with ME!!! Topic: Your energy, your mission and how to bridge the gap… or anything around that that you need MAGIC in! (Value priceless!)
To work with me 1;1 on your up-level transformation it would be $8800 plus
And if I added up the retreat, the one:one work and all the bonuses the cost of this program should be over $1400
But since “FLOW” is you obstacle and also your divinely-directed outcome… I’m going to make this a no-brainer, and full-hearted offer: $333 for it all.
Yes All!

It’s time to put Freedom & Flow at the top of your list.
Save Your Seat Now.

Your Magic Will Change The World
My name is Dr. Angela Martin-King
and I am a Doctor of Chiropractic and a science-meets-spiritual growth coach who has been working with magical people for over 25 years.
My science geek shows up in my Chiropractic label.. a fine career choice for a girl who had weird secret fascinations about skeletons as a child. As well as an intriguing curiosity in the inner workings of the mind-body puzzle... hence, my multitude of labels in coaching and hypnosis.
What’s not so easy to describe… my sparkly spiritual gifts. My inner healing ability that works all the way into the core essence, the soul of my people. And it’s been the secret sauce all along.
I bet you have some sparkly gifts waiting to be revealed!!
Let’s do it together.
If you’re a magic human who desires to divinely-direct and channel your gift through your heart (even if your mind has no idea what that means) you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s create some magic!