Animals have SOULS, too.
I can communicate with them.
We can’t have all the fun.
What Animal Healing Looks Like:
Animal Communication
Animals have souls, too. I communicate directly to your beloved animal and find out what’s really going on inside. Perfect for the pet-lover who’s always wanted a bit of a Dr. Doolittle experience or a fur-family in need of some intuitive insight into their health or pesky behavioural issues. This is communication with the critters you adore to get the answers you can’t hear them speak out loud… but they definitely want you to know.
Animal Chiropractic
While once I was a human chiropractor, I save these magic hands now for our furry friends. Whether as big as a horse or as small as a puppy, I’m happy to keep your furry friends feeling good no matter what aches and pains their currently feeling. Think of the pain release you experience at your human Chiro - now available for your beloved animal.
Paco the chihuahua suffered a partial ACL tear in his hind leg.
His owner wanted to try conservative care before opting for surgery since it was so invasive.
Chiropractic care helped this little guy balance out his body so he could heal.
He is now able to run around his farm like a little trooper!

Animals Have Souls.
My Mission is to Speak
Them Out Loud.
Support Your Furry-Friends Today. Book a Call.