How to Heal the Wound of Your Soul
The most common question I get asked about my healing journey is…
“How did you do it, Ange?”
It always comes out as a simple question, but the truth??? It’s was a journey!!!
And I can’t say I started my healing journey intentionally. Or even if I was even aware of what was really going on.
The one thing I knew for sure was PAIN. Physical pain for sure. Being a person in constant pain from injury after injury (working with horses full time does that to you). And I knew I was stressed and that my body … which was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2002… did a number on my health.
I was 1000% oblivious to my mental, emotional and spiritual pain.
And because I couldn’t feel it, hear it or see its effects on me… I fell into its trap.
Now I know you’re wondering, what happened? How did you WAKE UP to the reality of suppressed pain in your life, and how did you start the healing journey?
Let me tell you the story of How I went from a Wounded Healer to a Healed Healer.... and then to the Healer of Healers. And you can too!🔥CATALYST moments make SoulFire🔥
Those moments of such profound awareness that you are catapulted into a new life, a new way of living. Amplified. Illuminated.
The 20 seconds that changed my life. December 2014
The flip of my body, as it fell through the air. The stillness of one sharply inhaled breath. The sight of the floor coming up fast.
Everything in super-slllooooowwwwww motion.
If I hadn’t have turned my head, I'd been paralyzed, or dead…. But I did. Sacrificing my entire right arm and upper torso to major injury to save my own life.
🤕A chiropractor with no function in her right arm.
My entire identity, wiped out from under me, crushed just like my arm.
💀Enter into the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL💀
For 3 months I hid myself from the world. 💥 In massive pain 💥 unable to breathe 💥 buried in the weight of debt 💥 ridiculed and shunned by people I thought were my mentors and friends.
(The ones who were "commission-ships" who only like me because of my title and my potential to bring money into THEIR bank account)
And in this deepest darkest hole of my life it was an acquaintance, not even a close friend, a woman who I had once gone to high school with, reached out a hand and said "please let me help you" 💔
She knew. I needed healing for Mind, Body and Soul. She saw a wounded soul suffering and unable to ask for help.
And I’m sure she felt what I was feeling….having been there herself in another time and another way. We all have.
This catalyst moment of extreme pain became my catalyst for transformation. How I became a healer for Mind Body and Soul. I stepped into the realm of science 🧪 meets spiritual🧚.
There were no concrete answers to heal me in the world I knew.
This was virtually impossible to heal.
My old career and me, was dying.
So I paired the possible, known world of science, with the unknown possibility of spirituality, and quantum science.
I became THE BRIDGE between the two fields. I made miracles happen.
💖🔥I'm a healed healer💖🔥
The catalyst for true transformation is almost NEVER love, light or the search for more…. It is an ugly desperate cry for help, the dark night of the soul.
It's surrender. “I give in” to a greater knowing.
It's that place right before you give up hope, where the clouds part and someone unexpected reaches out a hand.
And because you have nothing left to give, you let someone pour into you.
So I named my business SoulFire. Because this is what I do.
I guide hurting and broken people to heal their wounded soul.
🔥To find the CORE of who they are, what they stand for and believe in and what they want to create in this world... and together we make magic happen!!!
🔥I am a magical manifester bringing dreams into reality.
🔥I am an alchemist who catalyzes her clients deepest desires and secret visions into life.
🔥I am HOPE bottle up in a pretty little package with a sassy bow!
And I share this with you, because somewhere deep inside that SoulFire wants to become a blaze, a beacon, a brand you share with the world.
Thank-you for allowing me to share mine,
As always, love
Your SoulFire Awakening
If you’ve been following along on Facebook and our Soul Awakening Celebration, you’ll know what all this is about. But if not… Come join in on the fun. It’s all about awakening who you really are at the soul level
For the SOUL ACTIVATION SERIES: Soul Blueprint, Soul Gifts, & Soul Journey... and get a FREE Animal Session, go here
For ALL of the SOUL WORK options, go here
For ANIMAL COMMUNICATION and the 3 unique types of sessions, go here
It's time to set your Soul on Fire🥰
#hope #healer #catalyst #healerscode #healingcircle #mindbodysoul #chiropractic #darknightofthesoul